Next Event: Snowdrop & Spring Plant Fair, Great Comp Gardens, Sunday, 16th February, 10am-2pm

Nesti Dante

One sunny morning just after the Second World War, Dante Nesti fell from his bicycle in the cobbled streets of Florence, scraping his knees. A kindly butcher gave him some leftover pieces of fat, telling him that if he mixed it with soda, he could make soap to clean his wounds. Dante got back on his bicycle and went straight to the hardware store to buy more supplies. Using his mother's copper basin he made soap for his friends and family to try. By 1947 he'd bought some land and founded his business. 

Today, the Nesti Dante factory is one of Europe's most highly regarded soap manufacturing facilities, using the water boiler method of production. The company is run by the second and third generations of Dante's family.

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